Announcement: Somantic v0.1.0 relaunch!

We are relaunching Somantic version 0.1.0, scheduled to go live by the end of the year 2023! This release introduces improvements, optimizations, and an enhanced user experience. **Key Changes in Version 0.1.0**: In this release, we have made …

Food Manager v0.5.1 - Open Source Release

As a developer, I always strive to create useful and user-friendly apps that make people's lives easier. That's why I'm excited to announce that I've open sourced the code for my [Food Manager]( app on GitHub u…

Somantic v0.0.3 Release

Are you tired of scrolling through endless listings, trying to find the perfect property to invest in? Look no further than Somantic. Our powerful search engine uses state-of-the-art visualization technology to help you make visually intuitive decis…

Somantic v0.0.2 Alpha Release

I am excited to announce that [Somantic Alpha Release v0.0.2]( is out. Please use the feedback tab to let me know your opinion or contact me by mail for more feature ideas. Stay tuned for more updates :)! **Changelog …

Somantic - A visual search engine for real estate evaluation

I recently started working on a project called *Somantic* which will allow real estate investors to make visually intuitive rational decisions regarding property evaluation and the return on investment. The goal is to make *Somantic* easy to use and…

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